VEĆE EVROPE, Rezolucija

Autor: Parlamentarna skupština: Skupštinska rasprava 27. januara 2021. (5. zasedanje) (vidi dokument 15212, izveštaj Odbora za socijalna pitanja, zdravlje i održivi razvoj, izveštava: gđa Jennifer De Temmerman). Tekst usvojila Skupština 27. januara 2021. (5. sednica).

Rezolucija 2361 (2021)7.3.1. osigurati da su građani informirani da vakcinisanje NIJE obavezno i ​​da nitko ne vrši politički, socijalni ili drugi pritisak da se sami vakciniu, ako to sami ne žele; 7.3.2. osigurati da nitko ne bude diskriminiran zbog toga što nije vakcinisan zbog mogućih zdravstvenih rizika ili ne želi biti vakcinisan;

Council of Europe, Resolution 2361 (2021)

Author(s):  Parliamentary Assembly

Origin  Assembly debate on 27 January 2021 (5th Sitting) (see Doc. 15212, report of the Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development, rapporteur: Ms Jennifer De Temmerman). Text adopted by the Assembly on 27 January 2021 (5th Sitting).

Resolution 2361 (2021)     7.3.1. ensure  that  citizens  are  informed  that  the  vaccination  is  NOT  mandatory  and  that  no one  is  politically,  socially,  or  otherwise  pressured  to  get  themselves  vaccinated,  if  they  do  not wish to do so themselves;

7.3.2. ensure  that  no  one  is  discriminated  against  for  not  having  been  vaccinated,  due  to possible health risks or not wanting to be vaccinated;

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) consists of a number of individual representatives from each member State, with a President elected each year from among them for a maximum period of two sessions.

Whilst in the Committee of Ministers each member State has one vote, in the Parliamentary Assembly the number of representatives and consequently of votes is determined by the size of the country. The biggest number is eighteen, the smallest two. As there are an equal number of representatives and substitutes, the total number of members of the Assembly is therefore 648, plus 30 Observers and 30 Partners for democracy.

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