Psihološki sistem je najsloženiji i najmoćniji poznati sistem. Iako moćan, ovaj sistem je istovremeno čoveku nejasan i nepotpuno kontrolisan.
Dva su razloga zbog kojih je psihološki sistem čoveku nejasan i nepotpuno kontrolisan. Jedan je postojanje snažnih atavizama u psihološkom sistemu, a drugi specifičan način na koji su konektovane sve one komponente koje čine psihološki sistem
Studija „Evolucija psihološkog sistema“ odgovara na pitanje: zašto je baš ovakav psihološki sistem, moćan, a nejasan, konačna reč evolucije?
Jedino takav, čoveku nejasan, psihološki sistem može da od drugih psihološkim sistema (članova porodice) dobije zaštitu, koju smo nazvali eksterna zaštita psihološkog sistema.
Postojanje eksterne zaštite preduslov je za dobijanje interne zaštite (samozaštite) psihološkog sistema.
Samo obe ove zaštite omogućavaju opstanak i napredak jedinke i vrste.
Evolucija pihološkog sistema
- Atavizam pihološkog sistema
- Eksterna zaštita pihološkog sistema
- Interna zaštita pihološkog sistema
- Autoimuno oboljenje pihološkog sistema
- Opstanak čoveka
Australopitek se odvojio od čovekolikog majmuna pre oko 3,5 miliona godina.
Na kognitivnom nivou Australopitek:
– Inteligentno reaguje (rešava složene probleme iz praktičnog života)
– Pamti rešenja složenih problema (njegove reakcije u sebi sadrže prošla iskustva)
– Informacije o rešenjima složenih problema prenosi drugim jedinkama (drugim psihološkim sistemima)
Na emocionalnom nivou Australopitek:
– Ima emocije
– Pamti svoje emocije i emocije drugih psiholoških sistema
– Informacije o emocijama prenosi drugim psihološkim sistemima
Bilo je potrebno da prođe 3,5 miliona godina da bi iz Australopiteka evoluirao čovek. Za to vreme njegova lobanja i telo su dosegli danjašnju veličinu, a granica rasta jedinke se pomerila na početak treće decenije života.
Pre oko 300 000 godina prestali su da rastu mozak i lobanja, što znači da se zavrsila i evolucija psihološkog sistema.
Na kognitivnom nivou:
– Rešava apstraktne probleme
– Pamti rešenja apstraktnih problema
– Informacije o rešenjima apstraktnih problema prenosi na druge psihološke sisteme
Na emocionalnom nivou:
– Doživljava složene emocije
– Pamti svoje složene emocije
– Informacije o složenim emocijama prenosi drugim psihološkim sistemima
– Pamti složene emocije drugih psiholoških sistema
Na ukupnom psihološkom nivou:
– Delimično vlada svojim složenim reakcijama
– Ima potencijal da znatno ovlada svojim složenim reakcijama
Zreo i zdrav psihološki sistem čoveka u stanju je da:
– Opaža svoju strukturu
– Opaža strukture drugih sistema
– Izmeri (dijagnostikuje) svoju strukturu
– Izmeri strukture drugih sistema
– Ovlada svojom strukturom (izmeni je)
– Ovlada drugim sistemima
Zašto je ovako moćan psihološki sistem istovremeno i nejasan i nepotpuno kontrolisan?
Zašto je baš ovakav psihološki sistem konačna reč evolucije?
Četvorogodišnje dete ima istu visinu koju ima odrasli polno i psihološki zreo Australopitek. Pogledajte sliku na:
U jednom životnom iskustvu četvorogodišnjeg deteta se naglo (nepripremljeno dotadašnjim iskustvom) javlja atavizam iz perioda polne zrelosti Australopiteka.
To iskustvo smo nazvali bazično iskustvo*.
U bazičnom iskustvu, a pod uticajem pomenutog psiho-seksualnog atavizma, dete reguje na roditeljski par namerom, koja je seksualna po svojoj prirodi.
* Pogledati:
Svako iskustvo čoveka (sa svojom strukturom i svojim sadržajima) se bez ostatka sadrži u svim narednim iskustvima*. To znači da svako iskustvo trajno ostaje u strukturi psihološkog sistema.
Bazično iskustvo ima najveći uticaj na proces struktuiranja psihološkog sistema, zato što to iskustvo u sebi sadrži najveću koncentraciju atavizama u psihološkom sistemu**.
Zbog specifičnosti strukture psihološkog sistema, čovek tokom svog života uvek delom reaguje kao da se nalazi:
– I u bazičnom iskustvu
– I u nekom od svojih ranijih iskustava
Način na koji je psihološki sistem struktuiran čini čovekove ove reakcije nejasnim.
Čovek svoje nejasne reakcije doživljava kao iracionalne.
* Psihološki sistem značajnim delom čine:
- Okolnosti i reakcije ranijih iskustava (Za dete su roditelji okolnost, za roditelje je dete okolnost)
- Okolnosti i reakcije aktuelnog iskustva
- Konekcije (veze) svih okolnosti i svih reakcija ranijih i aktuelnog iskustva
- Konekcije sa drugim sistemima
Da su reakcije ranijih iskustava deo psihološkog sistema vidi se po tome što:
– Dete (čovek) tokom čitavog života ponavlja svoje reakcije na roditelje iz ranijih iskustava (posebno svoje reakcije na roditelje iz bazičnog iskustva)
– Roditelj na dete reaguje svojim reakcijama iz svojih ranih iskustava sa detetom
Da su okolnosti ranijih iskustava deo psihološkog sistema vidi se po tome što:
– Čovek reaguje okolnostima svojih ranijih iskustava (delom se služi i reakcijama kojima je ranije reagovao njegov roditelj)
– Roditelj na svoje odraslo dete delom reaguje kao da je malo (reaguje na okolnosti ranijih iskustava)
** Ovo je predmet studije „Atavizmi psihološkog sistema: mehanizmi delovanja“.
Čovek je opstao zato što ima dvostruku zaštitu:
– Eksternu (zaštitu porodice)*
– Internu (samozaštitu psihološkog sistema)
* Porodica je za čoveka psihostrukturalno najrelevantniji eksterni psihološki sistem.
Način na koji je psihološki sistem struktuiran čini da roditelji i njihova odrasla deca reaguju jedni na druge istim onim reakcijama kojima su reagovali u ranim fazama svog zajedničkog života*, tako što:
– Roditelj štiti dete (i od njega traži zaštitu)
– Dete traži zaštitu od roditelja (i štiti roditelja)
Ovo je način na koji čovek dobija zaštitu od drugih psiholoških sistema.
* Čovek ne razume da su te iracionalne reakcije u svojoj psihološkoj osnovi infantilne.
Svaka čovekova reakcija nakon bazičnog ima više delova (komponenti):
– Deo koji čine potpuno nove reakcije
– Deo koji čine reakcija kojima je čovek ranije reagovao
– Deo koji čine ranije reakcije eksternih psiholoških sistema (roditelja)
– Deo koji čine potpuno nove reakcije eksternih psiholoških sistema (roditelja)
Zbog ovako složene strukture reakcija:
– Čovek reaguje na roditelje delom uvek i svojim dečijim reakcijama (kod normalnog psihološkog sistema to su reakcije koje proizilaze iz ljubavi i divljenja)
– Čovek ne doživljava realno sebe (svoj psihološki sistem) i svoje roditelje (idealizuje i sebe i njih)
– Čovek na druge psihološke sisteme (ne samo na roditelje) uvek delom reaguje i svojim dečijim reakcijama
– Čovek ne doživljava realno druge psihološke sisteme (druge pojedince i društvene grupe)
Ovako složena psihološka struktura sa ovako složenim reakcijama je u osnovi mehanizma interne zaštite psihološkog sistema (čoveka).
* To čovek reaguje okolnostima svojih ranijih iskustava.
Kvaliet psihološkog sistema čine čovekove etičke i moralne reakcije.
Nekvalitet psihološkog sistema (neetičke i nemoralne reakcije čoveka) dovode do oštećenja i oboljevanja sistema*.
Znači: nekvalitetan psihološki sistema taj sistem autoimuno oboljeva.
Kvalitet psihološkog sistema je jedan od preduslova zdravlja sistema**.
Psihološki sistem od nekvaliteta (od obolevanja) delom štiti čovekov (iracionalan) doživljaj roditelja.
Čovek do kraja svog života doživljava roditelje i druge članove svoje porodice kao kvalitetne (moralne).
Doživljeni kvalitet roditelja postaje kvalitetni deo čovekovog psihološkog sistema.
Kvalitetan sistem je zdrav i snažan.
Zdrav i snažan psihološki sistem je preduslov opstanka čoveka.
* Ostali faktori koji oštećuju psihološki sistem su predmet studije „Patologija strukture psihološkog sistema“.
** Poremećaji i bolesti sistema predmet su studije „Patologija strukture psihološkog sistema“.
Baš ovakav psihološki sistem, moćan, a ranjiv, je konačni odgovor evolucije, zato što njegova moćna dvostruka zaštita:
– Omogućava opstanak jedinke i vrste
– Predstavlja osnov napretka društva
Copyright©Ljiljana Dešević 2013
The psychological system is the most complex and the most powerful known system. Though powerful, this system is also unclear to man and incompletely controlled.
The reasons why the psychological system is unclear and incompletely controlled are:
– The existence of an influential atavism in the psychological system
– The way in which the psychological system’s components are connected
The study “Evolution of the psychological system” answers the question: Why is precisely this psychological system, such as it is, powerful but unclear, evolution’s final word?
Only like that, unclear to man, the psychological system can receive protection by other psychological systems (family members), something we dubbed the external protection of the psychological system.
The existence of external protection is a prerequisite for receiving the psychological system’s internal protection (self-protection).
Only both of these protections enable the survival and progress of individual and species.
Evolution of the psychological system
- Atavism of the psychological system
- External protection of the psychological system
- Internal protection of the psychological system
- Autoimmune disease of the psychological system
- Survival of man
The Australopithecus evolved sepparately from other hominids around 3,5 million years ago.
At the cognitive level Australopithecus:
– Reacts intelligently (solves complex problems arising from practical situations)
– Remembers the solutions to complex problems (their reactions carry within them their past experiences)
– Transfers his solutions onto others (other psychological systems)
At the emotional level Australopithecus:
– Has emotions
– Remembers his emotions and the emotions of other psychological systems
– Transfers his emotions onto other psychological systems
The Australopithecus needed 3,5 million years to evolve into modern man. Over the course of that period, his skull and body reached their modern dimensions, and the species’ growth limit was moved to the beginning of the third decade of their life.
Around 300.000 years ago, the brain and skull stopped growing, which means that the evolution of the psychological system ended as well.
At the cognitive level:
– Solves abstract problems
– Remembers the solutions of abstract problems
– Transfers his solutions onto other psychological systems
At the emotional level:
– Experiences complex emotions
– Remembers his complex emotions
– Transfers his complex emotions onto other psychological systems
– Remembers the complex emotions of other psychological systems
At the overall psychological level:
– Partly rules over his complex reactions
– Has the potential to subdue his emotions to a high degree
A mature and healthy HPS (human psychological system) is capable of:
– Observing its structure
– Observing the structures of other systems
– Measure (diagnose) its structure
– Measure the structures of other systems
– Rule over its structure (change it)
– Rule over other systems
Why is such a powerful system, as the psychological one, unclear and incompletely controlled?
Why is just this system, such as it is, evolution’s final word?
A four year-old child has the same height as an adult, sexually and psychologically mature Australopithecus. *
In one of a four year old’s experiences, an atavism from the period of the Australopithecus’ sexual maturation abruptly emerges (unprepared by the earlier experiences).
That experience we have dubbed basic experience **.
In the basic experience, and under the influence of the mentioned psycho-sexual atavism, the child reacts to its parents with an intention that is sexual in its nature.
* Picture: ttp://
** Look up:
Every experience (with its structure and its contents) is completely transferred onto all following experiences*. That means that every experience stays lastingly in the psychological system’s structure.
The basic experience has the biggest influence on the psychological system’s structuring process, because that experience contains in itself the highest concentration of atavism in the psychological system**.
Because of the specificity of the psychological system’s structure, over the course of his life, man always reacts as if he is:
– Also (at the same time) in his basic experience
– Also (at the same time) in one of his earlier experiences
The way in which the psychological system is structured makes man’s reactions unclear.
We perceive our unclear reactions as irrational.
* The psychological system is largely made up of:
- The circumstances and reactions of earlier experiences (To a child, its parents are the circumstance, and to the parents the child is)
- The circumstances and reactions of the present experience
- The connections of all circumstances and all reactions of the earlier experiences and the present one
- The connections with other systems
The following proves that the reactions of earlier experiences are part of the psychological system:
– Towards its parents, a child (man) constantly repeats its reactions from earlier experiences, all of its life. (especially its reactions towards its parents drawn from the basic experience)
– Parents react to their child with reactions from earlier experiences with it
The following proves that circumstances of earlier experiences are part of the psychological system:
– Man reacts with the circumstances of his earlier experiences (partly makes use of the same reactions that he knows from his family)
– A parent partly reacts to his grown up child as if it were still little (reacts to the circumstances of earlier experiences)
** This is a subject of the study „Atavism of the psychological system: Action mechanisms“.
Man survived because he enjoys double protection:
– External (the family’s protection)*
– Internal (The psychological system’s self-protection)
* To man, family is the most psychostructurally relevant external psychological system
The way in which the psychological system is structured makes parents and their grown up children react to one another with the same reactions they used to utilise in the early stages of their relationships*:
– The parent protects the child (and looks to the child for protection)
– The child looks to the parent for protection (and protects the parent)
This is the way in which man gets protection by other psychological systems.
* Man doesn’t understand that these irrational reactions are infantile, in their psychological basis.
Every of man’s reactions, after the basic experience, has multiple parts (components):
– The part made up of completely new reactions
– The part made up of reactions that man made use of before
– The part made up of earlier reactions of external psychological systems (parents)
– The part made up of completely new reactions of external psychological systems (parents)
Because of such a complex structure of the reactions:
– Man always reacts to his parents partly with his childhood reactions (with a normal psychological system, those are reactions stemming from love and admiration), though there are also reactions adopted at a later stage of life
– Man doesn’t perceive himself realistically (his psychological system), nor his parents (both are idealized)
– Man always reacts to other psychological systems (not only to his parents) partly with his childhood reactions, though he also utilises reactions adopted at a later stage of life
– Man doesn’t perceive other psychological systems realistically (others and social groups around him)
Such a complex psychological structure, with such complex reactions lies in the basis of the psychological system’s mechanisms for internal protection.
* Man thereby reacts with the circumstances of his earlier experiences
The psychological system’s quality is made up of man’s ethical and moral reactions.
“Low quality” of the psychological system (someone with unethical and immoral reactions) leads to its damaging and disease*.
So: A “low quality” psychological system is a system that is prone to autoimmune disease.
A psychological system’s quality is one of the preconditions for its health**.
The psychological system’s quality (health) is partly protected by man’s (irrational) perception of his parent
Man perceives his parents and other members of his family as high quality (moral) individuals, all of his life.
The perceived quality of our parents becomes a quality part of our psychological system.
A quality system is healthy and strong.
A healthy and strong psychological system is a prerequisite for man’s survival.
* Other factors that damage the psychological system are a subject of the study „Pathology of the psychological system’s structure“.
** Disorders and diseases of the system are a subject of the study „Pathology of the psychological system’s structure“
The psychological system, such as it is, is evolution’s final answer, because its powerful double protection:
– Enables the survival of individual and species
– Presents a base for social progress
Copyright©Ljiljana Dešević 2014
- Atavism of the psychological system: Action mechanisms
- Evolution of sexuality
- The physical basics of the psychological system
- Dreams
- A mathematical model of the psychological system’s structure
The study: “Atavism of the psychological system” concerns itself with:
- The way in which atavism influences the psychological system
- The way in which the influence of atavism can be decreased
The psychological system is the most complex and the most powerful known system. Though powerful, this system is also unclear to man and incompletely controlled.
The reasons why the psychological system is unclear and incompletely controlled are:
- The existence of an influential atavism in the psychological system
- The way in which the psychological system’s components are connected
The study “Evolution of the psychological system” answers the question: Why is precisely this psychological system, such as it is, powerful but unclear, evolution’s final word?
Only like that, unclear to man, the psychological system can receive protection by other psychological systems (family members), something we dubbed the external protection of the psychological system.
The existence of external protection is a prerequisite for receiving the psychological system’s internal protection (self-protection).
The action mechanisms of external and internal protection are unclear to man.
Only both of these protections enable the survival and progress of individual and species.
Evolution of the psychological system
- Atavism of the psychological system
- External protection of the psychological system
- Internal protection of the psychological system
- Autoimmune disease of the psychological system
- Survival of man
Translated and adapted by: Jasmin Šantić